

呼叫 911 报告紧急情况或危及生命的情况.   


非紧急情况,请致电ladbrokes立博中文版警察局 508.531.1212.

当学生陷入危机或感到不知所措时, 桥水提供资源和支持,帮助管理困难的情况. 这个问题是否与学生的健康有关, 福利, 心理健康, 人身安全, 财务不安全或其他问题, our CARE (Crisis - Assessment - Referral - Evaluation) Team and other BSU professionals are here to help.

学生, 他们的家庭, 教师, librarians and staff are encouraged to review the 资源 below for assisting a student in a crisis situation.





如果你自己都不能确定, 或者是遇险的人, 可以保护自己免受严重伤害,那么拨打911是正确的举动吗. It is better to call and seek guidance and assistance than to wonder about whether you did enough.

任何抑郁的人, 正在经历一段艰难的时期, 需要谈谈, 或正在考虑自杀可以打电话或发短信988生命线交谈或文字聊天. The lifeline counselors are here to listen and support you through whatever difficult times you may be facing.
有可能,但只有在必要的时候. 如果你打电话给BSU的下班后服务, and the clinician on the phone determines that the person of concern is in imminent danger, then the police will be contacted to facilitate transport to the nearest hospital (Brockton Hospital if you’re on campus). 全国自杀热线也有类似的协议, 用来在人们想自杀时保证他们的安全.
No. The police assist with every 心理健康 emergency on campus and are highly trained to respond to 心理健康 calls. They arrive on scene to assess the situation and to make sure that the person of concern is safely transported to a facility where care can be delivered. 如果警方评估情况,发现没有必要运输, they collaborate with the BSU 健康 Center to make sure that students are seen to follow up with their 心理健康 crisis. In all of these cases the police are happy to assist as part of their commitment to community policing.

有很多方法可以参与进来. 例如:

  • 学习如何与我们的朋友就心理健康进行富有成效的对话 Kognito心理健康培训模块,适用于所有北外学生和员工.
  • 加入学生团体Active Minds,他们专注于心理健康宣传.
  • 参加Hoke教授的PSYC350心理健康倡导课程.
  • 加入健康中心的各种活动, 包括全国自杀意识月(秋季), 心理健康电影(秋季), 以及我们一年一度的走出黑暗步行活动,以支持预防自杀(春季).


在未经批准或许可的地点以外的地区, all persons are prohibited from being present where there are alcoholic beverage containers, 这些容器是否满了, 部分满或空. 除了就业或其他许可的目的, students under the age of 21 may not be in the presence of alcohol or alcohol containers. 请参阅全文 酒精政策.
When a student aids an intoxicated or impaired individual by contacting the ladbrokes立博中文版 Police or Residence Life and Housing staff, 这取决于社区标准主任的裁量权, 或被任命者, 以确定是否有任何相关方, 学生组织的社区标准过程.  This does not preclude action regarding other violations of University standards such as causing or threatening physical harm, 财产损失, 骚扰, 被欺侮, 或违反第九条性骚扰政策.
不,学校目前没有举办嗜酒者互诫会. 有关校园附近的AA会议列表,请ladbrokes立博中文版 桥水戒酒互助会.
The BSU Police offer a training on the use of the opioid antagonist Naloxone (Narcan). 欲了解更多信息,请联系BSUPD的探长麦卡沃伊.
Narcan can be found in a “Naloxbox” can be found near the info desk of the RSU and inside most residence hall AED unit boxes.


请参阅“保密和报告的网页. If you want to speak to someone on campus about a sexual assault before you know whether you’ll report, please make sure to reach out to one of our campus ‘confidential’ supports (健康/SVAS).
Confidential support can be found with the clinical staff at the 健康 Center and the staff of the Sexual Violence Advocacy and Support (SVAS) Center.
请参阅“保留证据” page at the EO/Title IX website to learn how best to proceed immediately after an assault. 请记住,你并不孤单,BSU有很多这样的人 资源 来帮助你度过难关.


有很多资源可以帮助你. We recommend that you first address your safety and the safety of any vulnerable populations involved (未成年人, 老年人). Please contact your local police department or the BSU Police department to learn more about legal interventions. 有关庇护所和其他资源,请查看以下列表 各县资源情况.
是的,有几种方法可以获得帮助. You can seek a consultation at the SVAS center, the BSU 健康 Center or with our BSU Police. Relationship violence can occur even when you don’t live together and we’re here to support you in finding safety.


是的. 根据您的情况,您可以使用几种选择. 第一步应该是联系艾琳·埃斯图坎特, 我们在住房不安全问题上的唯一联络点, 安排一个时间来讨论你的担忧.
BSU can sometimes assist students with our Student Emergency Fund when there are no other viable options. 我们也可以帮助学生, 或者和他们一起生活的家庭, 通过国家支持的项目获得冬季燃料援助. 联系 马LIHEAP 了解更多信息.
The office of Residence Life and Housing would be happy to work with you to see whether this is an option that would make sense.


如果你担心学生的行为或生活经历 不需要立即作出反应; 您可以向CARE团队提交转介. For immediate emergencies, contact University Police by call 911 from a campus phone or 508.531.1212.


CARE团队将评估转诊并确定适当的应对措施. 如果有必要,CARE团队也会通知其他大学官员.


在BSU, we understand the impact that stressors outside of the classroom can have on your student success. We also understand the significant cost of higher education and the overall impact attending college can have on your availability to work and cover the basics. We have compiled the following 资源 that may help ease the struggle and set you up for success.





It’s often a relief to students to know that people at the university notice and care.
  • 以关心和支持的方式提出这个问题
  • 用不贬低、不对抗的方式清楚地表达你的担忧.
  • 提醒学生作为社会一员的个人责任
  • 尊重学生的隐私,但不承诺保密


无论是你还是学生提出这个话题, 拥有隐私和不受打扰的时间是很重要的.
  • 不要轻视问题,也不要过快地提出建议来解决问题.
  • 让学生表达自己的情感(通常是积累起来的)
  • 询问学生是否找到了帮助解决问题的方法.
  • 询问他们的支持网络


  • The student situation may be beyond what you can address, but your support is still critical
  • Reassure student the decisions to seek/accept help is a wise choice and they are not alone
  • 提出见面以确保后续行动
  • 请参考CARE团队
  • 如果有紧急情况-不要等待-打电话给BSU警察 508.531.1212 or 911


意识到 遇险信号, ways to intervene, and 资源 will help you respond effectively to an individual who needs help. 认真对待痛苦的迹象, 特别是如果这不是这个人的典型特征. You might be the one saving a life by being available at the right place and right time with the right 资源.

  • 成绩下降
  • 重复的缺席
  • 不做作业
  • 多个扩展请求
  • 考虑离开学校
  • 扰乱学习环境
  • 作业/报告中不恰当或涉及的内容
  • 抑郁:哭泣,经常感到悲伤
  • 焦虑:感觉紧张、紧张、担心、惊恐发作(可能包括创伤后应激障碍)
  • 对他人产生敌意,无端发怒
  • 冲动,失去自我控制
  • 言语或行为混乱
  • 幻觉、妄想、偏执
  • 过度关注财务、人际关系、平衡多重需求等. 
  • 外表变化,卫生条件差
  • 过度疲劳,精力不足
  • 激动的表情或动作
  • 体重过度减轻/增加
  • 擦伤、割伤或其他伤害
  • 身体或言语上的爆发
  • 退出社交活动,避免眼神交流
  • 关于死亡、临终、自杀、他杀等的陈述.
  • 身体暴力
  • 性侵犯
  • 任何形式的跟踪和骚扰
  • 醉酒的醉酒的或受影响的
  • 威胁的沟通


如果上面的链接页面都不包含您正在寻找的资源, 或者您需要帮助浏览此页面, please contact the 学生生活部 office during business hours and we will assist you.


布里奇沃特, MA 02325

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